Sometimes people wish there were more hours in a day to complete the responsibilities at hand, and dairy cows may feel the same way. Rick Grant of the Miner Institute recommends that farmers think abo
About 10% of U.S. dairy cattle were infected with the bovine leukemia virus (BLV) in the 1960s and 1970s. Now, about a third of our nation’s beef cattle and almost half of our dairy cattle are infec
With $6.50 per bushel of corn, corn silage is worth considerably more per ton today relative to five years ago. Using a multiplier of 10 times the value per bushel for corn grain nets a $65 per ton pr
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) of 1938 is a federal law that created the right to a minimum wage as well as overtime pay when people work more than 40 hours a week. The federal minimum wage was 2
Dairy cattle semen used for artificial insemination comes in 0.5 mL or 0.25 mL straws, and University of Idaho professor and dairy extension specialist Joe Dalton said that both product sizes offer ex
The first best day of Don Niles’ dairy career was when the first of his clients installed self-locking headlocks. As a veterinarian, that simple tool made herd checks a lot easier and safer for both
The high cost of healthcare is a financial burden for dairy farmers with limited or no health insurance. Unfortunately, these daunting expenses can prevent people from getting the care they need and f
Manure application is often a race against the clock. With a limited window of time in the spring or fall, there aren’t always enough days suitable for application to empty manure storages.Plus,...
the last few years have created some of the most unpredictable financial situations we’ve seen. As we prepare for 2023, here are five considerations to make in your business planning. 1. Milk p
Enhanced by historically high spot butter prices, butterfat notched its fifth straight monthly record in producer milk checks. October’s butterfat price was $3.6557 per pound. That was nearly 8 cent
Last June, meatpacking giant JBS halted all of its U.S. plants that collectively produce about a quarter of the country’s beef supply, for an entire day